Digital Electronics
Digital Electronics
Principles of Communication
MATLAB Programming
Signals and Systems
Microprocessors 8085 and 8086
Microcontroller 8051
- rkthenua@gmail.com
- www.rkthenua.in
- +91-9012222119
- +91-9719394629
Raj Kumar Thenua
Research & TA
Department of Electronics & Communication Engg.
Visvesvaraya National Institute of Technology (VNIT), Nagpur
Career objective:
To excel in the field of Teaching, Research & Development to take up a challenging position and contribute something for the country.
Educational Qualification׃
Exam Qualified
PhD (Wireless Communication)
M.Tech (Digital Communication)
B.Tech (Electronics & Communication)
RTU, Kota
U.P.T.U. Lucknow
Year of passing
- GATE-2015 Qualified with 97.55 percentile.
- UGC-NET Qualified in Apr-2014.
Certification in MATLAB Numerical Computational Techniques from IIT Madras , 100% score
- Certification in Signal Processing for mm-Wave Communication for 5G and Beyond from IIT Kharagpur, (Batch Topper, Jul-Oct 2022)
- Certification in Introduction to Internet of Things from IIT Kharagpur, (Topper and Gold medalist 2023 batch)
- Optimisation for Machine Learning: Theory and Implementation (Hindi) from IIIT Delhi in March 2024
Teaching Experience: 14+ Yrs
AEC, Agra
AEC, Agra
Assistant Professor
Electronics & Instrumentation
Electronics & Instrumentation
01-Jun-2010 To 19 Jan 2021
10-Jan-2007 To 31-May-2010
Administrative Experience:
- Worked as Senior Boys Hostel Warden at Anand Engineering College, Agra for 2-years.
- Actively contributed for the preparation of NBA Accreditation.
- Project Coordinator of final year B.Tech projects, for last five years.
- Departmental library in-charge for last 10 years.
- Tech class Counselor.
- Coordinators for Technical Events during SGI annul fest SUKRUT & TRIVIDHA held on 23rd -25th Feb 2012.
- Coordinator in a National conference on “Emerging Trends in Electrical, Instrumentation and Communication Engineering” (ETEIC-2012) fully funded by government agencies viz. DST, CSIR and MNRE held on 6th& 7th April 2012 at Anand Engineering College, Agra.
- Organized various Workshops & Training program at Anand Engineering College, Agra, in collaboration with IIT Bombay, ISTE Agra chapter, IEI Aligarh Chapter etc.
Projects Done:
Simulation and Hardware Implementation of NLMS algorithm on TMS320C6713 Digital Signal Processor
Intelligence Traffic Light Controller System
SVM Classifier Based Extraction Of Brain Tumor From MRI Images
Speaker Identification System
MATLAB &TMS320C6713 Processor
MATLAB/Neural Network
Projects Guided:
Ear Recognition System
Automation of the door using PLC
Traffic Light Control Using Programmable Logic Controller
Microcontroller based tele-voting system
Ball follower Robot using MATLAB
Automatic Attendance System
Automatic Solar Optimizer for Efficient Power Generation using Arduino
Automatic Number Plate Recognition System
Image stitching
Community Radio
Controlling of home appliances using voice
IOT based Health Monitoring System
PLC/Micrologix 1000
PLC/Micrologix 1000
Microcontroller AT89S52
MATLAB/Image Processing
Arduino, MATLAB
MATLAB/Image Processing
Research Papers:
SCI/SCIE Journals: [03]
- Raj Kumar Thenua, Abhay S. Gandhi, “Joint Beamforming Design for RIS-aided AmBC-enabled MISO NOMA Networks”, Wireless Personal Communications (WPC) Springer, Dec 2023, https://doi.org/10.1007/s11277-023-10772-y.
- Raj Kumar Thenua, Abhay S. Gandhi, “Sum rate maximization for RIS-assisted NOMA-enabled Underlay AmBC-CR networks”, Physical Communication, Elsevier April 2024 https://doi.org/10.1016/j.phycom.2024.102358.
- Raj Kumar Thenua, Abhay S. Gandhi, “Sum rate maximization in STAR-RIS-assisted Uplink AmBC-CR networks with NOMA”, Wireless Personal Communications (WPC) Springer (Under revision)
Refereed International Journals: [07]
- Shailendra Singh, Vandana V. Thakare, Rajkumar Thenua, SachinSaurabh, and Prakash Chandra. “The Continuous Linked Structure Flooding in MANET”Network and Complex Systems, 3, no. 3 (2013) Page(s). 7-15.
- Raj Kumar Thenua and S.K Agarwal, “Hardware Implementation of Adaptive Algorithms for Noise Cancellation”, International Journal of Information and Electronics Engineering (IJIEE), Vol. 2, No. 2, March 2012, Page(s) 160-164.
- C. Dhubkaria,AasthaKatara, Raj Kumar Thenua “Simulation of Adaptive Noise Canceller for an ECG signal Analysis”, ACEEE International Journal on Signal & Image Processing, Vol.3, No.1, 2012, Page(s) 1-4.
- Shruti Jain and Surabhi Gupta,Raj Kumar Thenua“A Review on: Advancement in Biometrics Technologies”, International Journal of Electronics & Computer Science Engineering (IJECSE), Vol.1, No.3, June 2012,Page(s). 853-859.
- Vandana V. Thakare , Shailendra Singh , Rajkumar Thenua, HaneetRana, “Solar tracker with optical source”, International Journal of Electronics & Computer Science Engineering (IJECSE), Vol.1, No.3, June 2012,Page(s). 860-864.
- HaneetRana , SachinSaurabh , Shailendra Singh, Raj Kumar Thenua, “Compressing Sensing based on IRLS Algorithm”,, International Journal of Electronics & Computer Science Engineering (IJECSE), Vol.1, No.3, June 2012,Page(s). 886-891.
- Raj Kumar Thenua and S.K Agarwal, “Simulation and Performance Analysis of Adaptive Filter in Noise Cancellation”, International Journal of Engineering Science and Technology (IJEST), ISSN: 0975-5462, Vol. 2(9), 2010, Page no. 4373-4378.
International Conferences: [08]
- Raghavendra Pal, Raj Kumar Thenua , “Data Structures for Delay Reduction in Vehicular Ad hoc Networks”, First IEEE International Conference on Advances in Computing and Future Communication Technologies (ICACFCT-2021) organized by MIET, Meerut, UP, India and ACIC MIET Meerut Foundation from 16th to 17th Dec 2021. (IEEE Proceedings)
- Raghavendra Pal, Raj Kumar Thenua and Faqeha Siddiqui, “Optimal Cognitive Channel selection using Deep learning in CR-VANET ”, in Springer International Conference on Integrated Intelligence Enable Networks & Computing (IIENC-2020), Institute of Technology Gopeshwar (State government Institute of Uttarakhand), during 4th -6th may 2020. (Springer Proceedings)
- Garima Sharma, Rajesh Kumar, Raj Kumar Thenua, “SVM Classifier Based Extraction of Brain Tumor from MRI Images using MATLAB” in an International Conference on Recent Trends in Technology and its Impact on Economy of India organized by Guru Nanak College for Girls, Sri Muktsar Sahib, Punjab, during 24th October 2017, ISBN: 978-93-86171-74-0, Pages:437-442
- C. Dhubkaria, AasthaKatara, Raj Kumar Thenua “Simulation of Adaptive Noise Canceller for an ECG signal Analysis”, in an International Conference on Advances in Computer Science (ACS) organized by Engineers Networks at Noida, India during 20-21 Dec-2011.
- Vandana V. Thakare, Shailendra Singh, Raj Kumar Thenua, and SachinSaurabh, “Cognitive Routing Used in Fast & Reliable AODV Protocol for Wireless Ad Hoc Networks”, IEEE International Conference on Computational Intelligence and Communication Networks (CICN-2011), organized by MIR Labs, Gwalior India during 7th Oct- 9th Oct 2011.
- Raj Kumar Thenua and S.K. Agrawal, “Hardware Implementation of Adaptive algorithms for Noise Cancellation” in an IEEE International Conference on Network Communication and Computer (ICNCC 2011), organized by International Association of Computer Science and Information Technology (IACSIT)and Singapore Institute of Electronics(SIE), page(s): 553-557 , Mar 2011.
- Raj Kumar Thenua, S.K. Agrawal and Ayub Khan, “Performance analysis of Adaptive Noise Canceller for an ECG signal” in an International Conference on Recent Trends in Engineering, Technology and Management, 26th -27thFeb 2011 at BIET, Jhansi, page(s): 579-583.
- LeenaVarshney, Raj Kumar Thenua, and PriyadarshiSuraj “CPW – FED Slot Antenna For Ultra Wideband Applications” in an “International Conference on Microwaves, Antenna, Propagation & Remote Sensing” “ICMARS-2009”on 19th to 21st December, 2009 at International Centre for Radio Science(ICRS), Jodhpur, Rajasthan.
National Conferences: [08]
- Ayub Khan, Raj Kumar Thenua, and Rajansh Sinha, “Tablet Identification Using Acoustic Resonance Spectroscopy”, in IEEE sponsored National System Conference on “Super Intelligent Machines and Man” organized by Dayalbagh Educational Institute, Agra, held on 1st Dec-3rd Dec 2017.
- Ritesh Kumari, Vandana V. Thakare,Rajkumar Thenua and Sachin Saurabh, “Segmentation of Images using Adaptive Affinity Propagation”, National conference on “Emerging Trends in Electrical, Instrumentation and Communication Engineering” (ETEIC-2012)held on 6th& 7th April 2012 at Anand Engineering College, Agra, Page(s). 402-407.
- Raj Kumar Thenua and Harish Kumar, “Implementation and Analysis of the RLS Algorithm on TMS320C6713 DSP” in an IEEE sponsored National Conference on Trends in Signal Processing and Communication (TSPC-2011) on 10th -12thMarch 2011 at BIT, Muzaffarnagar.
- Raj Kumar Thenua and S.K. Agrawal, “Hardware Implementation of NLMS Algorithm for Adaptive Noise Cancellation” in National Conference on Electronics and Communication (NCEC-2010)on 22nd -24thDecember 2010 at MITS, Gwalior.
- Raj Kumar Thenua and S.K. Agrawal, “Real-time Noise Cancellation using Digital Signal Processor” in National conference on Electronics, Computers and Communications(NCECC-2010) on 06th -07th March 2010 at MITS, Gwalior.
- Vandana V. Thakare and Raj Kumar Thenua “Artificial Intelligence in Design of Microstrip Antenna ” in a National Conference on Artificial Intelligence & its Applications (AIA – 2009) at FET, RBS, College, Bichpuri Agra, during 12-13, Sep 2009.
- Rajan Singh, Devendra Singh and Raj Kumar Thenua, “Stochastic Optimization Method for Signalized Traffic Signal Systems” in a National Seminar entitled “NASDEC2” on 6-7 Nov, 2008at BITs, Mesra Ranchi.
- Rajan Singh,Devendra Singh and Raj Kumar Thenua, “Comparison Study and Performance Evaluation of Different Timing Plans of Signalized Intersections” in a National Seminar entitled “NASDEC2” on 6-7 Nov, 2008at BITs, Mesra Ranchi.
- Published a book entitled “A Review on Adaptive Filtering Algorithms: Practical Implementation using MATLAB & TMS320C6713 Processor” with an International publisher, Lambert Academic Publishing, Germany. ISBN: 978-3-659-28621-6, November 2012. https://www.amazon.in/Review-Adaptive-Filtering-Algorithms/dp/3659286214
- Published a video book entitled “Electronics Engineering” to facilitate B.Tech 1st Year Students, in collaboration with Learn by Watch (an educational firm) March 2013. (Now available on YouTube) https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLL13-1PjGvanUxa4XI5qGaGdrHSORZ-n-
- Published a Video Book entitled “Communication Systems” in collaboration with Learn by Watch (an educational firm), Nov 2015. (Now available on YouTube) https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLL13-1PjGvalLfcWL7EBUPseLjivFcLWo
- Published a Video Book entitled “Switching Theory & Logic Design” in collaboration with Learn by Watch (an educational firm), July 2014.(Now available on YouTube) https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLL13-1PjGvalW56f9tg8irlSyHIYNJAif
- Editor of the proceeding of National Conference on Emerging Trends in Electrical, Instrumentation & Communication Engineering (ETEIC-2012), published by Excellent Publishing House, ISBN: 978-93-81583-35-7.
Workshops/STP Organized:
- Running an online training program for faculty and students across the globe to enhance the MATLAB & Simulink programming skills. Available on youtube.com/rkthenua. Approx 2.3 Lakh peoples are benefitted till date.
- Organized a workshop on “Scilab”, in the Deptt. of Electronics & Communication Engineering, offered by the Spoken Tutorial Project, IIT Bombay, funded by National Mission on Education through ICT, MHRD, Govt., of India at Anand Engineering College, Agra on 25 march 2015.
- Organized a fifteen days National training program on “MATLAB & SIMULINK”, in the department of Electronics & Communication Engineering at Anand Engineering College, Agra during 14thJuly 2014 to 30th July 2014.
- Organized an AICTE Sponsored Three days workshop on “Bio-Medical Instrumentation & Measurements (BMIM-2014)”, in the deptt. of ECE & EIE, in collaboration with IEI, Chapter Agra at Anand Engineering College, Agra during 11th March 2014 to 13th March 2014.
- Organized one day workshop on “Computer Programming”, for the B.Tech first year students , Under Talk To a Teacher (TTT) Project, funded by National Mission on Education through ICT, MHRD, Govt. of India, in collaboration with Spoken-Tutorial, IIT Bombay at Anand Engineering College, Agra during 18thFeb-2012.
- Organized a three days workshop on “Scilab”, in the Deptt. of Electronics & Instrumentation Engineering, (Under National Mission on Educ through ICT project of MHRD), in collaboration with Spoken-Tutorial, IIT Bombay at Anand Engineering College, Agra during 4th Nov-2011 to 6th Nov-2011.
- Organized a fifteen days National training program on “MATLAB & SIMULINK for Budding Engineers”, in the department of Electronics & Instrumentation Engineering at Anand Engineering College, Agra during 5th July to 21st July 2011.
- Organized one day workshop on “Computer Masti: an Innovative way of teaching computer at schools” in the Deptt. of Electronics & Instrumentation Engineering with the help of IIT Bombay &In Open Technologies at Anand Engineering College, Agra on 18-Dec-2010.
- Organized a two days workshop on “DSP & Its Real Time Applications” at Anand Engineering College, Agra in the department of Electronics & Instrumentation, during 6th& 7th Nov-2009.
- Organized A short term course on “Introduction to MATLAB& Simulink” collaboration with ISTE Chapter held on 23-Jun to 02-Jul2009.1.5
Workshops Attended:
- 5-day Hands-On Workshop on “Machine Learning: An Industry-Academia Initiative”, organized by the Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, National Institute of Technology Rourkela from December 11-15, 2023.
- Participated in a 5-day workshop on technical report writing using LaTeX, organized by VIT-AP University during 5th to 9th April 2021.
- Participated in a 3-day workshop on “Microcontroller Design MSP 430”, organized by Anand Engineering College in collaboration with Texas Instruments during 16th to 18th Feb 2018.
- Participated in a Training session on familiarization with various open source software courses, organized by Uttar Pradesh Technical University, Lucknow in collaboration with IIT Bombay-Spoken Tutorial Project (Under National Mission on Education through ICT, MHRD, Govt. of India) on 19th Feb 2015.
- Attended a 2-days workshop on “Counseling Skill & Identification of Early Unhealthy Psychological Symptoms” organized by B.L Dubey, University of Alaska, anchorage (USA) in collaboration with HIMCS, Farah Mathura during 10-11 July 2013.
- Attended a Two week ISTE Workshop on “Analog Electronics” conducted by IIT Kharagpur, under the National Mission on Education through ICT(MHRD, Govt. of India) at HITM, Agra during 4th – 14th June 2013.
- Attended 10 days workshop on “Web Designing using Drupal CMS”, organized by Learn by Watch during 11th Feb- 20th Feb, 2013 at Agra.
- Participated in Workshop on “High Impact Teaching Skills”, attested by Dale Carnegie& Associates, Inc. Trainer and WIPRO on the 27th& 29th February 2012 at Anand Engineering College, Agra.
- Participated in a Mission10X workshop conducted at Anand Engineering College, Agra in collaboration with ISTE and WIPRO, from 27th Feb to 3rd March 2012.
- Attended an International Workshop on “Inverse Problems and Wavelets with Applications to Real World Systems” on August 14, 2010 at IHC and IICC, Lodhi Road, New Delhi, organized jointly by IIT Delhi, Sharda University and ISIAM.
- Attended an IEEE MTT-S workshop on “Emerging Trends in Microwave Integrated Circuits” on March 13th, 2010 organized by the department of Electronics & Communication at BIT, Muzaffarnagar.
- Attended an IEEE EMB Workshop on “Low Power Embedded Systems for Medical Applications” June 13-14, 2009 at IIT Khargpur.
- Attended a Three days workshop on “DSP & CMOS Layout” on 19th to 21st Dec-08 organized by RTU, Kota collaboration with Cranes Software International Ltd., Banglore & Ni Logic Pvt. Ltd., Pune.
- Attended a workshop on “Mobile Computing” at AMU, Aligarh on 17th
- Attended a workshop on MATLAB at Anand Engineering College, Agra on 9-10th Mar 2007.
- Attended a two days workshop on “Communication Skills” at Anand Engineering College, Agra from 11th August 2007 to 12th August 2007.
- Attended a 10-days Skill development program on “Telecom Embedded Hardware Developer”, at Sharda University organized by Telecom Sector Skill Sector Council (TSSC) during 30th July to 8th August 2016.
- Participated in a Faculty Refresher Programme conducted by SGI Center for continuing education at Hindustan Institute of Technology & Management, Agra from 14th July 2015 to 17th July 2015.
- Attended a faculty skill development program on “Virtual Instrumentation”, organized by the department of Electronics & Instrumentation Engineering at Anand Engineering College, Agra during 8th Dec 2010 to 20th Dec-2010.
- 5 weeks Faculty Development Training at HIT Greater-Noida organized by SGI Faculty Training Institute (FTI) from (19Nov06- 23Dec 06).
- Summer Internship (5 weeks) from Patni Computers Silvassa, in testing of various kind of server and desktop Motherboards and other peripherals of computer during the period (Jul’05-Aug’05).
Seminars/Conferences ׃
- Organized a National Seminar on “Graphical Language & Its Application” in collaboration with IEI, Agra at Anand Engineering College on 13 Feb 2017.
- Attended the NMEICT funded 4th International Conference on Learning and Teaching in Computing and Engineering (LaTiCE2016) during 1st April 2016 to 3rd April 2016, held in IIT Bombay.
- Attended a seminar on “MATLAB and Simulink for Engineering Education”, organized by Mathworks on 12-Oct-2012 at Hotel Marina, Agra.
- Attended a seminar on “Model-Based Design for Embedded Signal Processing Systems” organized by Mathworks Inc.at Hotel Hyatt Regency, Delhi on 23rd August 2007.
- Presented a paper on “Wireless Communication” in the abhibyakti, the national level Tech-fest of the College. (Mar’06)
- Presented a paper on “ Familiar with Motherboard ” as a part of the curriculum.(Feb’05)
- Attended all India seminar on “Biomedical Engineering and Bioinformatics” (BMEBI-2007) organized by Anand Engineering College, Agra during 24th-25th March, 2007.
Expert Talk:
- Delivered an International talk on “Exploring MATLAB: A pathway to solving Engineering Problems” at SLTC Research University, Sri Lanka on 10th Jan 2024.
- Delivered a Lecture series on “Problem-based Learning of MATLAB Programming” at Career Development Cell-Research (CDC-R), IIT Madras on 12th and 13th February 2022.
- Delivered a technology awareness talk on ” 5G Wireless Communication” under AeSI ( Aeronautical Society of India) Agra chapter at ADRDE, Agra on 24th September 2021.
- Delivered a webinar on “Introduction to MATLAB and Its Industrial Applications” at CARE College of Engineering, Trichi on 13th October 2020.
- Delivered an expert talk on “MATLAB and Its Application” at Hindustan College of Science & Technology, Mathura on 7th March 2018.
Programming Tools:
- Having good knowledge of MATLAB & Simulink.
- Familiar with the environment of Scilab 5.2
- Having programming knowledge of
- Worked on PCB designing software KiCAD.
- Familiar with the environment of Keil µvision
- Worked on Antenna Design Tool IE3Dver-14.
- Having Knowledge of DSP Processor (TMS320C6713)
- Familiar with Virtual Instrumentation software LabView ver-8.
- Have worked on VLSI Design Software Micro-wind for Layout Design.
- Have knowledge of Mache-electronics software like 20-sim.
- Familiar with the tools like PSpice and ORCAD etc
- Certified course in JAVA (Core & Advanced).
- Knowledge of Drupal CMS.
- Worked on Moodle LMS.
- Worked on screen cast software’s like Cam studio and
Apart from the knowledge of engineering simulation software’s I also have an experience of managing online conference management systems like Easy chair and EDAS to organize and manage any international event (Conference, Seminar, Symposium etc.).
Subjects Taught:
- Microprocessor
- Digital Electronics
- Electronics Engineering
- Analog Communication
- Signals & Systems
- Telemetry Principles
Membership of Professional Bodies:
- Member of IEEE Computer Society Technical Committee on Learning Technology.
- Life-time member of Indian Society for Technical Education (ISTE), LM61391.
- Life-time Associate Member of IETE, Membership No. AM-227395.
- Life-time Member of International Association of Engineers(IAENG), Membership No:109378
- Member of International Association of Computer Science and Information Technology (IACSIT), Membership No.
- Member of Universal Association of Computer and Electronics Engineers (UACEE), Membership No.
- Member of International Society of Electronics and Electrical Engineers (ISEEE).
- Member of Academy & Industry Research Collaboration Center (AIRCC).
Editorial Board Member of:
- International Journal of Soft Computing and Engineering (IJSCE),approved by National Science Library (NSL), National Institute of Science Communication And Information Resources (NISCAIR), Council of Scientific and Industrial Research(CSIR), New Delhi.
- International Journal of Inventive Engineering and Sciences (IJIES), ISSN: 2319-9598.
- International Journal of Innovative Science and Modern Engineering (IJISME), ISSN: 2319–6386 Online.
- International Journal of Emerging Science and Engineering (IJESE), ISSN: 2319–6378 Online.
- Reviewer for Wireless Personal Communication (WPC) journal, Springer.
- TPC member in 5th International Conference on Communication and Computer Engineering (ICOCOE 2018) to be held at Melaka, Malaysia, during 17 – 19 July 2018.
- TPC member in an IEEE 6th International Conference on Power and Energy (PECON 2016) held at Hatten Hotel Melaka, from 28-29 November 2016.
- Reviewer in an IEEE Industrial Electronics and Applications Conference, IEACon 2016 held in the city of Kota Kinabalu, Sabah, Malaysia, from November 20th to November 22nd, 2016.
- Designated reviewer in the 2015 IEEE Conference on Energy Conversion (CENCON 2015) held in Johor Bahru, Malaysia on 19–21 October 2015.
- Contributed as a designated reviewer in an IEEE International Conference on Signal Propagation and Computer Technology 2014 (ICSPCT 2014) held in Govt. Engineering College Ajmer Technical Sponsored BY: IEEE DELHI SECTION between 12 & 13 July 2014.
- Contributed as review board member in 2013 IEEE Symposium on Industrial Electronics & Applications (ISIEA)organized and sponsored by IEEE Malaysia held during 22-25 Sep,2013 at Kuching, Malaysia
- Contributed as sub-reviewer in Third International Conference on Computer Science, Engineering and Applications (ICCSEA-2013), Organized by AIRCC, Proceedings in Springer, May 24~26, 2013. Delhi, India.
- Contributed as sub-reviewer in Second International Conference on Information Technology Convergence and Services (ITCS 2013), Organized by AIRCC, February 18 ~ 20, 2013, Bangalore, India.
- Contributed as review board member in 2012 IEEE International Conference on Power and Energy (PECON 2012) held in Malaysia between 2 to 5 December 2012.
- Contributed as review board member in National Conference on Emerging Trends in Electrical, Instrumentation & Communication Engineering (ETEIC-2012), Organized by Anand Engineering College, Agra, 6th -7th April, 2012.
Awards & Extra-Curricular Activities:
- Selected to receive “Bharat Jyoti Award” by India International Friendship Society (IIFS) in the field of Science & Technology to promote the open source technologies in India, in a seminar on “Economic Growth and National Integration”.
- Received a “Sherestha Shikshak Puruskar” by Sharda Group of Institutions (SGI) in 2009-2010 for outstanding academic performance.
- Achieved highest performance appraisal for the session 2011-12 in the department in terms of publications, training/workshop organized, student feedback and best result.
- Created online quizzes using moodle LMS.
- Creating Video tutorials for students using Information Communication and Technology to promote e-learning in India and benefitted more than 5lacs students.
- Created motivational video lecture series for the students to get familiar with the current scenario of competitive exams.
- Created own website to publish and promote the open source software training programs in India.