Digital Electronics

As you know this is the era of digitalization. To make a digital device you should have the knowledge about it. This course is designed for those persons who want to be comfortable in the designing and analysis of digital circuits. This course will provide you the basic concepts of designing combinational and sequential circuits. This course generally runs for graduates in various universities with different names like- Digital Electronics, Digital Logic Design, Switching theory & logic design etc.

Basic knowledge of Logic gates

Course duration
50 Hours

Assignment Solutions

Lecture Notes

Online Live Interactions

Online classes through video Lectures
course syllabus

Number System and its arithmetic, Signed binary numbers, Binary codes, Cyclic codes, Hamming Code, the map method up to five variable, Don’t care conditions, POS simplification, NAND and NOR implementation, Quine Mc-Clusky method (Tabular method).
Combinational Circuits: Analysis Procedure, Design procedure, Binary adder-subtractor, Decimal adder, Binary multiplier, Magnitude comparator, Multiplexers, Demultiplexers, Decoders, Encoders.
Storage elements: latches & flip flops, Characteristic Equations of Flip Flops, Flip Flop Conversion, Shift Registers, Ripple Counters, Synchronous Counters, Other Counters: Johnson & Ring Counter
Analysis of clocked sequential circuits with state machine designing, State reduction and assignments, Design procedure. Analysis procedure of Asynchronous sequential circuits, circuit with latches, design procedure, Reduction of state and flow table, Hazards.
Digital Logic Families: DTL, DCTL, TTL, ECL & CMOS etc., Fan Out, Fan in, Noise Margin; RAM, ROM, PLA, PAL; Circuits of Logic Families, Interfacing of Digital Logic Families, Circuit Implementation using ROM, PLA and PAL; CPLD and FPGA.