(3 Ratings)

MATLAB Live Training by RKTHENUA (TTS)

Categories: MATLAB Programming
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About Course

MATLAB is a platform for the researchers to implement and analyze their research problems. Now days MATLAB has become the programming language of every engineer. If you are doing masters or doctorate, definitely you have to use this software because its capabilities are amazing. This course is designed for you, to provide basic knowledge of MATLAB and give a good start to your research work or project.

Syllabus Important topics:

Plotting (Line, 2D,3D)
Loops and Control Statements
MATLAB Advance concepts
Control Systems
Symbolic mathematics
Live scripting and publishing options
Numerical Computation Techniques
Getting MATLAB online and offline help

for detailed syllabus Click here

What Will You Learn?

  • You will be much confident about MATLAB Programming.
  • Able to write MATLAB Code for a given problem
  • Understand the previous written code
  • Debug yours or others MATLAB codes.
  • Finally get little idea about Simulink model based design also.

Course Content

Day-0: Introduction to MATLAB

  • MATLAB Introduction Lecture

Day-1: Getting started with MATLAB

Day-2: Sub Arrays
Today we discussed: sub-arrays, matrix and array operations, solution of simultaneous equations, writing mathematical expression in MATLAB.

Day-3: Writing mathematical expression and complex data handling

Day-4: Reading data from files
Today we discussed: Practice problems 1,2 and Practice Sheet-1,2. After that we covered accepting data through keyboard and finally reading data form various files including text,xls and image.

Day-5: Reading data from files and Displaying output data

Day-6: Introduction to Plotting

Day-7: Additional Plotting features and 2D Plots

Day-8: Additional 2D Plotting and 3D Plotting

Day-9: Operators and if Control statement

Day-10: Switch and try-catch control statements

Day11: while and for loops

Day-12: Break and Continue statements and nested loop

Day-13: Practice Sheet-4 and 5 Discussion

Day-14: Convert Script into a function

Day-15: Types of function

Day-16: Concept of Global memory and function handles

Day-17 String functions Sparse Arrays and Cell Arrays

Day-18: Structures and table handling

Day-19: Live scripting and Polynomial Handling
Today covered Import data into MATLAB, live scripting and polynomial handling

Day-20: Symbolic Mathematics

Day-21(optional): Control System
This video is taken from some previous batch to cover control system concepts.

Day-22: Introduction to Numerical Computational Techniques

Day-23: Solution of Non-Linear Equations

Day-24: Solution of Ordinary Differential Equations (ODE) IVP

Day-25: Interpolation curve fitting and MATLAB help Resources

Day-26: Animated 2D and 3D Plots

Day-27 Introduction to Simulink

Day-28: How to use MATLAB code in Simulink
So many small small points covered, this is the last class for covering syllabus of training program.

Day-29 Practice Sheets 6 7 8 discussion


Student Ratings & Reviews

Total 3 Ratings
3 Ratings
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3 years ago
Course was very good and completed very smoothly.
3 years ago
it was a good experience .
3 years ago
It was very informative course..